Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Alex Lost A Tooth

For about the last month, Alex has had a loose tooth. We have been trying to get him to wiggle it so it would come out, but he would just complain that it hurt. Then I noticed the new tooth was growing in behind the baby tooth. I told him that if he didn't wiggle the tooth and get it out then the dentist would have to pull out the baby tooth. It got to the point that Alex's baby tooth was just hanging there and Alex was having a hard time eating because it hurt. We told him it would be easier and his mouth would feel better if he just let his dad or I pull it out. Matt said he would pay Alex a dollar if he would let him pull out the tooth. He finally agreed. One would have thought we were pulling his arm off. Then Alex saw blood, which made things worse. I had him bite down on a damp wash cloth for a few minutes. After that, Alex was good and he said his mouth feels better too. The tooth fairy visited leaving Alex another dollar for the tooth. A bit of a tramatic experience, but hopefully the next time will be better.

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